Monday, August 20, 2007

Fact: It will become impossible to get search engine site placement by 2008. PPC may be your only option. What about SEO?

Search engine optimization is a complex topic of discussion. Not only for you, the potential online marketer, but even Google themselves!

It is a bit like the secret sauce of Coca-Cola; nobody really knows it - it's locked away in a safe somewhere. (Ed note: Eric Schmidt at Google does not know it, and allegedly only 2 people at Google know the secret algo).

Since this is the case, what can you do about it - and more importantly, where do you start? Not only does online marketing need to be part of your web business strategy, but you need to start today and do not make any mistakes, or you risk de-listing, assuming for a moment that you got there ("your site in the top 10 results") that is.

Read on, or you may miss out on the biggest opportunity to create a strong business presence in the entire time-span of the Internet age.

Why act now and what they're not saying

There are many resources on the Internet on the topic of SEO. We have included a few, free SEO tools access in another article . If you are looking for anything in specific on the topic, we have a large database of free search engine articles and resources via our newsletter, which is sent out monthly. I'm sure you have spoken to, or read about the so-called SEO experts.

They tell you that they can guarantee search engine listings, and that they can get you listed on the first page. This is not difficult, but the more challenging areas is the true SEO endeavors. Anybody can get you listed on the first page in any major search engine (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask). This is called PPC and is a category in 'Search Engine Marketing'.

However, to get listed in the natural, or organic search engine results (SERPS), you will find that it takes anywhere from 2-4 months, and as much as possibly 2 years to get listed in the top 10 for your respective keywords and phrases. The natural search engine results pages are the MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS of all search query outputs, and considered the holy grail of site placement.

What SEO means to you

The field of search is very fast-paced, and is growing with at least 20% every month (traffic), and domain names are being plucked up by the millions. It's a crowded space, as well - this is the important part. If you do not act now, the only way for you to get placement in the future will be PPC, and it will become extremely competitive and expensive. MSN Adcenter is already introducing and running demographics search, this will completely change the playing field.

Being affiliated with companies that only create and execute ethical, foundational search engine optimization strategies is the best option. For example, companies that freely share information on topic of search marketing, SEO can help you.

Online marketing has never been more important, and search marketing is a crucial part of your online traffic strategy. Think quality search results and clicks - not quantity. Quality traffic is the most important business you can get.

GEMAYA sounds scary

So, I leave you with this: Last year, a writer at coined the term GEMAYA, an acronym representing a futuristic super-conglomerate consisting of Google, eBay, MSN, Amazon, Yahoo!, and AOL.

Without becoming a prophet here, the big question to ask yourself is - do you want these behemoths to have your URL and your good company name included?

Search Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Solutions are extremely important, both strategically and tactically as you move forward this year, and into 2007. Start today!

About This Author
Jon Rognerud is a recognized authority on the subject of SEO, and has spent over 10 years developing websites and marketing solutions at companies like Overture and Yahoo. His Web 2.0 site, Los Angeles Search Marketing, provides a wealth of informative articles, resources and complimentary email courses on everything you will ever need to know about SEO and Search Marketing. He lives with his family in Southern California.