Monday, October 29, 2007

Search Engine Friendly Pages - The Way To A Crawler's Heart

As the employment trend is shifting towards self-employment. To be a success in whatever field an entrepreneur is in, he must have the best marketing tools. One of which is a business website. Many business owners are faced with technical dilemmas, caused by the further merging of the business industry with the Information Technology field. Because of this, they outsource the development of their websites.

To enable people or internet users to find YOU, one important consideration in building a website is SEO. It is a process involving strategies to increase quantity as well as quality of traffic to a website. Targeted traffic is what the search engines bring to a website, through algorithmic, natural or organic search results.

Visitors to the site are the lifeblood of the website's existence.

Traffic means business and dominant contributors to this are major search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo. Thus, when blueprinting or designing a web page, outsourcing services should ensure Search Engine friendly pages to obtain higher rankings that would lead to more people clicking on the link to your site and more probable sales.

Primary search engines utilize programs or automated scripts that are more known as web crawlers or web spiders. These robots browse through the World Wide Web, methodically indexing web content, checking links and validating html codes. Information is stored and the websites that manage up-to-date content are pulled up into a listing when people type in one relevant keyword/ keyword phrase.

For your website/ web page to get indexed easily, the following are some of the techniques you could apply when designing on your own:

• Avoid the application of frames. The lengthy and complex codes used to create frames causes disarray among search engine spiders making them skip the site and makes bookmarking a lot more difficult.

• Use CSS or Cascading Style Sheets instead of bombarding html codes to style a page. Its efficacy lies in the elimination of redundant html tags that confuses the crawlers and makes page loading faster.

• Meta Tag use and positioning are one factor noted by web crawlers in deciding whether or not to index a site or how frequent they would visit it. So make sure to use relevant meta tags appropriately.

• Flash animations or images are not the best way to contain very vital information. Aside from slow page upload, search engine crawlers only index text in your source code. A good way to use images to represent text are when displaying email contact addresses, as these could be kept private from other bots accumulating unsolicited email lists.

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